Saturday, July 08, 2006

Birds of the River Colne

I have just stumbled over this local wildlife documentary on YouTube!

a spineymedia production

Journeys into the Unknown - 0=2

Here's a trio of tasters from the forthcoming CD Journeys into the Unknown by 0=2.

p.s. Spot the Hodgie sample! ;-)


Dwellers in Silence

Seeds of Warriors

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Work in progress from the slow moving machine

Welcome to my first of many posts, blog-pickers...

As you may already know, I dabble. I'm a dabbler in muzak. A dabbler in the style of a really slow thing that dabbles in short bursts over months and years. So, occasionally, after investing and digesting time and effort, I squeeze one out from the starfish of my mind. After plenty of grunting, a perfectly formed mp3 comes out and drops on the floor to the sound not disimilar to that of a cat barfing.

These are very rare occasions... I give you the only existing track from my next album 'Folds', and it's called 'Rotation'.

Click the play button and wait for loading.

Is Mr. Twain in denial?

I'm becoming concerned about our dear friend Mr. Twain (More commonly known as Karl Karcass of the GWF to CVC fans).
I have stumbled across this little known gem of possible sexual denial on the Internet and feel I must share this hearfelt ditty here on the CVC blog.

We're Not Gay - by Mr. Twain

It is my hypothesis that in order to see the truth behind an opinion one must turn it on it's behind and view it backwards, which leads me to believe that there is more to Twain's sexuality than meets the eye - any comments?

Olivia photographs Donald Syndrome in London

Here's a few nice pix of the infamous Donald Syndrome gigging in London, courtesy of Olivia Hemingway. syndrome syndrome syndrome

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Kipz Party Summer 2005 - Jussy's Psychotropic Drum Session

Here's a nice little drumming scene from Kipz' Party in 2005...

The Fog - The Blog

Hello Peeps!

I'm loving this new Blog thing - cheers to the Hodge boys for setting it up! I'm gonna be posting some video rarities as soon as I can get all the tech up and running - some stuff I have in mind: Jeff Lawson & Donald Syndrome Live at the Parish Pump, Clock live at Greenhead College, Bruce Lee V Chuck Norris, Some Gibs stuff, Kipz Lake District Holiday fun (Including Kipz Sings 'Quest for Fire' by Iron Maiden)and anything else I can think of - In the meantime here are some photos that may be of interest to some of the CVC posse but weren't really suitable for the main site...


Here's a pic that features a young Joel Haslam aka Kitten Boy from Donald Syndrome on the right and also ex Piss drummer Jamie Thornton in the middle. Eagle eyed viewers may also spot a young Vic Campbell attempting to mount the shed wall.


Here are a bunch of girls - 3 of which have had the dubious honour of becoming intimate with CVC veterans - can you guess which?


Here's a nice little pic of Mister Kipling and housemat Daz - the calm before the storm taken before one of Kipz infamous house parties - Expect some video footage of the party soon...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Things You Shouldn't Do - Part 1...

...never play as a covers band, even if it's for charity.

These people used to be CVC superstars in the GWF, Laffmad and Octafish. Except the old bloke at the back playing guitar. He was just some guy we were press ganged into having for the event. That was fun.

Peas and Fleas

We're testing out a Flash based, inline MP3 player - which in future will be used for distributing podcasts from these pages. By "we" I mean "me". I'm so ace.

Here we are playing the ukulele. Of course, by "we"...