Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cable Guy

Here's another promo to lure in unsuspecting Jim Carey fans...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

4-Tracks Revisited: Part 3

picture of fire
April 1998: An old house mate, Bill, had quite a nice collection of music equipment. I can't remember off the top of my head what it was. I think there was an Akai sampler, a really old sampling keyboard and some kind of rack mounted synth. On one particular occassion he went away for the day, but not before letting me know I could go in his room and use his gear.
What a nice guy. Any way, I spent a few hours doing music and then went to my room to play some Tekken. I was well chuffed at the time.

At a slightly later date, all this good will paled in to insignificance when Bill came home after splitting up from his girlfriend, shaved half his head down one side with a Bic razor then proceeded to lock himself in his room, get stoned out of his box and then make a little bonfire on his rug, potentially ending the lives of all 5 tenants in the house.

Thankfully, I heard the spitting and crackling of burning books and birkenstock sandles from behind his door while I was on my way to the bathroom. I alerted the other housemates and we saved Bill's life... Nob. We were all evicted and Bill was admitted to the spin bin.

Here's the track, listen to - House on fire NOW!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Elemental Offspring

Here's a few tracks that appeared on the back of some obscure releases such as Gibs Offshoots and I class 'em as being sort of collaborations between Fog, Spiney and Jussy -- the tracks were done at a time when we were all simultaneously creating music and so the edges became a little blurred...

Forces of Life - Fog with Spiney's beats
Psychic Pathways - Jussy with Spiney Mix
Autumn Garments - Fog and Spiney
Ambience - Fog with Spiney audio elements
Angelic Voices - Fog with some other poor sods stolen drum beats

More Chaos...

Here's some more scraps from the same tape that had Jor-El and the Phil Butler stuff on it...

Tape Dub
Salad Time
Bunions Overdub

Phil Butler in Dub

When me and Jase were editing the Gibs Video we decided it would be cool to call up a radio talk show and try and get some mentalist samples to use as overdubs on it. After a few herbal cigarettes, Jase called Phil Butler's phone in and proceeded to have a 30 minute conversation about the Poll Tax - we managed to get about 30 seconds of Gibs from it but now the time has come to hear a little more - ladies and gentlemen, Phil Butler in Dub!

4-Tracks Revisited: Part 2

March 1995: I got my first proper job in London after working part-time for a local Welsh newspaper. I'd landed a position as a Multimedia Designer and worked on CD-Roms (remember them?) in a great building full of interesting creatives. I only managed about 18 months there before the CD-Rom market bottomed out and everyone was made redundant. Any way, back then while pottering about in my lunch hour, I came across this door that had always intrigued me. I'd seen ponderous people walking in and out of there on many occassions and it just added to my curiosity. I walked through it, then down a small corridor, and then in to a sound proofed box room. There amongst the grey foam absorbers lay a Roland JV-80, a Spirit folio 16-Trk, PowerMac 8800 and Opcode MusicShop sequencing software (the American choice over Cubase - I was later told).

I hadn't made any proper Music for at least 2 years, so I didn't hesitate in booking the room out for a bit of extra curricular overtime one Saturday. I made 2 tracks that day, the other one to come at a later date.

Listen to Element

This One's for Jase...

I seem to remember this one used to tickle your fancy...

Jor-el by 0=2

Monday, August 28, 2006

Gibs Jabs

I've found another shoebox of tapes in my under-the-stairs labyrinth.

Listen to the macabre version of the popular nursery rhyme Jack and Jill NOW!!!

Watch that guy dance!

We haven't had a new post for a while... so here's a video of me dancing to the theme from "Six Feet Under"...