Friday, August 04, 2006

ou est la jonzo?

where is jonzo?
its hot outside and i'm hungry
has anybody seen jonzo?

Wikipedia Link

Holy Crap - I just discovered that Wikipedia have linked us to their page about the Colne Valley - Click here!

Kipz' Embarassing Song...

My Expose continues... only this time I am posting a track that Kipz badgered me to remove from the main site for months on end until I was forced into submission. It's a collaboration between him, me and Kemps impromptu one Summer. Some overdubs were added by Kipz later. I love the track, but i'm a bit biased, as it reminds me of Laurel Bank in the Summer and also Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES.

Click Here to Play Zelda King of the Jungle

Karl's Hidden Past

I've really enjoyed listening to Karl's tracks on his new page and i'm looking forward to the subsequent releases to be posted on the Blog but I also feel that a part of Karl's CVC career may be left behind unless I expose it here on the CVC Blog once and for all.

I am talking about the tracks that I listened to as a young teen that made me laugh my ass off with their twisted humour and deranged musical phrasology (is that a word?) and encouraged me to do something similar except with all the controls turned up to 11. Yes, it is true that some of the GWF tracks are as influential but I don't think they were quite as insane somehow.

I have chosen to post one of my faves here, Can-Opener by The Back Seat Boys. I don't know if they did any other tracks but maybe this one was enough.

P.S. - Karl, please leave £50 in old tea caddy underneath the canal bridge in Milnsbridge or my next expose will be I am the Nicest Guy I Know by the Al Jolsons of Death...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ambient Disaster!

I've posted a couple of more Ambient tracks that I did earlier this year on the fog page. You can also play 'em from here: Donna's Mystery & Star-Flight.

Karl Page

A new page has been added for Karl on the main site - check it out!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Rubbish Song No 3425

Digitising old tunes for my forthcoming and ludicrously overdue CVC entry, I stumbled upon an old demo for a song I wrote for Octafish (who are, incidentally also long overdue their CVC entry).

I remember how I eagerly arrived at rehearsal and told the boys I had a new song.
"It's a bit like Violent Femmes!" I said. We retired to Tom's car and slotted it in the tape player.

"What do you think?" I said 3 minutes later.
A long pause.
"Maybe we should work a bit more on War Pigs," said Tom.

This is that very rough demo:

Syndrome Selection

donaldA New Donald Syndrome MP3 has been added to their page alongside a few new pix - check it out.
UPDATE - 2 More Tracks Added...

New Norman Section

A new page has been added to the CVC website for Spiney - some nice tunes on there you should check out...

Arthur Daley - Archangel of the CVC Possee

One of the Ascended Masters looking down over the machinations of the CVC phenomena was Arthur Daley.

The style and sophistication of this character was a source of encouragement and admiration for some of the CVC crew. Indeed, one of the first Gibs songs was dedicated to him and you can listen to it here.

There was another version done later by Jas in a menkle trancey styley thang but I don't have that to hand to sample.

Arthur's Satanic double also watched over the time when Foggy went to Spiney's residence for the first time and somehow splurged the below on to a VHS video.

There is more here if you are a glutton for punishment.

And so, we give thanks to a CVC inspiration --- Arthur Daley.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fried Minds

More Fried Minds from Kipz 2005 party - this time we see the infamous DJ Andy (Lockwood) entertaining the spaced out cellar dwellers....