'We're so happy about the imminent release of Colne Valley Chaos 6' and just wanted to let you all know how godammed stoked we are for it down here! Tom and Barbara are going apeshit next door listening to loads of their old Giblets and Cheese cassettes and dancing like maniacs! lol! Much as we love the old stuff, Gerry is particularly keen on The Genital Wart Factor, we can't wait to hear if the new stuff kicks as much ass! Lastly, we would like to thank TWAIN for helping us with some of our marital issues, we like to watch his Sexwatch videos and then play some of his tunes whilst exprimenting with some of the things he mentions in his broadcasts. Of course not ALL of them, the spatula is bent right out of shape after we went too far last week. LOL!
well anyway, that's all for now
don't forget to mail us a copy
Margot and Gerry