Saturday, September 30, 2006

Lysergic Union: When Worlds Collide

Stumbled across this whilst scouring through my old tape collection! It’s an 11 minute sample from the original 50 minute performance featuring me & Ben lost in psychedelic space on that old classic analogue synthesizer the Jupiter 4 (recorded at Laurel Bank in about 1993 or there about)! Blew my mind finding that one I can tell you (Kiploing this one's dedicated 2U)!


Anal 2 Digital: Drum Machines Ate My Soul

A big horsy high going out to all you despicable fiendish reprobates within & around the Colne Valley Locale! Recently found the courage (thanks to Fotswana) to begin converting all my old analogue cassettes from around 93 - 99 to the digital format (in lieu of a forth coming album aptly named Analogue 2 Digital: Drum Machines Ate My Soul). In this manner I've recently begun re-mastering these appalling quality recordings (with more noise than signal - aren’t cassettes great: not) which is painstaking & slow but worth it I'm sure! In this manner I've managed to salvage the following 4 tracks & over the course of the following week(s) more will likely appear subject to workload! Enjoy dudes/dudettes & max respect to Colne Valey Chaos for providing me with a means of banishing my menkal skeletons!

WontTakeMeAlive_RM.mp3 (Boss 660)
EveryLastDrop_RM.mp3 (Yamaha RY30)
IndivisibleMoment_RM.mp3 (Boss DR5)
Cyax_RM.mp3 (Roland R8)

Vintage Tape from Way Back...

Wow - i've enjoyed finding these little gems below tonight on a knackered old cassette - it's just a shame that so much recorded audio from way back is missing but I found these little snippets earlier:
This is me and my Brother playing on the Atari VCS 2600


This is Craig Mcevoy making a prank call on his little brother (we made a whole tape of these - god I wish I still had it!)


This is me with a couple of early experiments of tape dubbing (with a pair of headphones for a mic!)



I'm inspired to scour more old tapes with greater scrutiny now!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Biostupid Girl

We'd be lost without YouTube here at the Colne Valley Chaos blog. We've put loads of our crap on there. One thing's for certain though - however crap our crap is, there lots more crapper crap to be found. I mean, have you seen those video blogs people put up?

My bird and I particularly enjoy the ouvre of "biostudentgirl" - who manages to post lots and lots without saying anything of consequence whatsoever. You can see the original bint here.

And here's our interpretation:


This filthy video upset YouTube so much that they banned it! No kidding. They happily host videoblogs with 15 year olds flashing their norks at the camera, clips showing people being flung across freeways in car crashes and folks being beaten to a bloody pulp in the street - but our video was just too hot for them to handle.

Anyway - we cleverly circumvented that by sticking it on Google. NEEEAAAAH!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Road of Kings

Here's the cover of the book I was reading from in 'Conan Adventure'. I remember taking this book into a 'reading class' at junior school and asking the teacher what a whore was as it was a word I didn't understand in the book - she was a little shocked! ;-)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Conan Adventure

I think 'Conan Adventure' was the first Gibs song that foggy ever let me play the keyboard on. Yes, I know there were earlier times on other songs when I'd interfere with the tempo knob - but this, this was my time to shine!
With no actual musical experience whatsoever, I tinkled and tinkled like a cautious kitten wondering why light reflecting from water through a french window and on to an artex wall was so mesmerising.

Why Conan? Well, Fog had a book about Conan the Barbarian - and with the lack of lyrical inspiration and the sheer feeling of exhaustion after screaming for the last 2 hours on numerous other early Gibs tracks that now don't see the light of day, we decided that reading a book on tape to my dismal efforts on keyboards was all we could muster.

Personally, it's one of may favourites... a timeless classic, although really, created about 19 years ago. (whoah!)

Listen to Conan Adventure

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Kipz' Embarassing Songs Part III

Here's part 3 of Kipz' Most Embarassing songs - this one is written by the man himself. Featuring 2 more NWOBHM classics from Priapus!

For me, Crusader was the last vaguely decent Saxon album. This single was always a favourite, I particularly like the guitar solo, but I murdered it wirh a fuzz tone.

Sailing To America

U.F.O. were the first band I ever saw and it was on the 'Making Contact' tour. This was one of the first songs we did with Priapus, and this is a recording of the first gig we ever did. It was Saul's 18th at Scammandon Water Sailing Club. Wevs always liked the
drums in the intro.

When it's Time to Rock