Saturday, March 17, 2007

Twain on MySpace

My last MySpace page was inexplicably banned. I don't know why. That's what "inexplicably" means. Anyroad, I've given it time to calm down and I'm back on there. Hurrah! The new page is mainly for my writing projects BUT I'll also be using it to launch some CVC related stuff too - like the forthcoming Octafish video for "Spacehopper". It's only been up two days though, so is looking a bit sad so far.

If you are a MySpace monkey too, please friend me. We can start a zoo! Or, more accurately, a small primate enclosure...

Go HERE and click "Be My Stalker".

Do it now, or I'll be forced to start accepting friend invitations from 14 year old Essex rappers.

Friday, March 16, 2007

If Giblets and Cheese were X-rated...

...They would probably do stuff a bit like this

But they aren't and they don't.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Oh god the memories!
Here's a trio of classic pix from back in the day that Clemmy just sent me!