Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Vendetta Men

The colne valley chaos scene has several distinct branches:

The Santaphobia branch - started by Karl and Jon

The Breadhead Conspiracy branch - started by Kips and Tom

The Giblets and Cheese branch - started by Foggy and Jason

Those branches further subdivide into the bedroom bound "doss" bands and the serious bands with proper drummers and all that stuff.

The Vendetta Men - an eighties power pop band in the mold of The Chameleons and The Bolshoi - are from the serious branch of Santaphobia. They were roughly descended from Glass Orchard, who in turn boasted a line-up that was three fifths GWF. Still, their real claim to marginal fame is that Gideon Coe of BBC Radio Six was their rhythm guitarist.

In this video from 1988, Karl sings typically gothic lyrics while mugging like Paul McCartney. Neil Buckett wears an improbable hat.

1 comment:

Fog said...

That's just so mark burgess! MORE VIDZ PLEASE!!!!