Monday, July 10, 2006

Yo Derren!

Another track from the weird Derren Brown project I told you about in the very first blog post. I rewrote a set of lyrics some pencil-necked dork had contributed, then recorded them using FruityLoops for the backing.

If you don't quite understand the penultimate verse, that's because the names refer to people who used to hang out on the forum. I edited out most of them - that bit went on forever in the original lyrics.

1 comment:

Fog said...

Nice rapping - I've downloaded the Derren Brown album, not heard all the tracks yet. Mind control is easily my fave so far, it's so catchy, I was singing the line "He lived in Bristol, He knows where you put the bullet in the pistol" at work today - luvvit!

'We're not gay' is also very catchy, not to mention very funny!