Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Here's another little diversion, but this time with a definate CVC connection - filmed by Spiney at the Manchester Academy May 2006. Fog was there as was the infamous Happy Dave and a gent called Kilner. Anyway, this has been a popular hit on YouTube for a few weeks and has attracted the attention of the Bass player, Kneill who has contacted us and we're gonna send him the rest of the gig on DVD so that's pretty cool.

I was persuaded to post this when nosying at some of Karl's other online musings which included him saying he loves this track so thought i'd stick it on the blog.

The gig was pretty good but not the best I have seen them - that would be in Autumn 2005 Manchester Academy (larger venue) - awesome!

The following was my attempt at one of them home made vidz that combines a toon with movie clips - I really liked the bside to the latest Killing Joke single so thought that would be a good track to use as it is relatively obscure and also it lends to the kind of imagery I wanted to use.


Karl Hodge said...

The Wait used to be my getting ready to go out music in the olden days.

Great vid. Should have used a Gibs or 0=2 track!

Fog said...

yeah - I initially was gonna do that - but I had an impulse to do Kj instead - well there's always more nutty footage to use for later. It's a lot more finicky and time consuming than you would first think messing about with video. Premiere can be a bit of a biatch at times!

Anyway, this is the end of my diversion for now - no more KJ or Bush - let's have some PROPER muzak in a CVC styley - laters...

Anonymous said...

maybe should be the weight :)