Saturday, September 30, 2006

Lysergic Union: When Worlds Collide

Stumbled across this whilst scouring through my old tape collection! It’s an 11 minute sample from the original 50 minute performance featuring me & Ben lost in psychedelic space on that old classic analogue synthesizer the Jupiter 4 (recorded at Laurel Bank in about 1993 or there about)! Blew my mind finding that one I can tell you (Kiploing this one's dedicated 2U)!



Fog said...

Hey Jus - Lovely to here that - reminds me a lot of Tangerine Dream - i'd love to get hold of a Jupiter 4!

Is the whole 50 minutes using the same sequence? I wouldn't mind a raw rip of the whole thing at some point but no rush.

I've got some of Ben's tunes somewhere, which i'll post soon...

ElectricWombat said...

Coolio, sounds good! Well using the MDF2 (MIDI file player/recorder) you can work your way through the archive in your cupboard & see whats on there etc (will take U ages) but will be an interesting project! I'll rip the whole sequence for you and stick it on a ROM along with the other MP3 files that I'm currently re-mastering!