Yet more obsessive tape trawling has brought forth these three little dittys which turned up on the end of a Gary Clail / Tackhead tape.
Update - I have just been informed that these tracks are not JasFog and are more likely to be JasClemLen - I thought I remembered playing keyboards, especially on the first track but I think it's probably safest to call these tracks Jas tracks with guest stars - If Len or Clem drops by can you confirm your presence on these tracks?
These were all done by me with bits by clemmy/len.
I think. Unless you think otherwise...
I thought it was me arsing around on the Jupiter 4 but I can't actually remember! I'll change the post! Do you have copies of these tracks?
I don't have any copies of these tracks, thanks for finding them!
It was kipz's Sequential Circuits Six Trak not the Jupiter 4.
After giving it a bit more thought, the first and third tracks are by Me, Clem and Len. The second one is all mine!
and how lovely it is!
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