Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tribal Mutations (adventures in the world of Bens Roland SRV-330)

Hey all, finally been released from the grip of political trauma & despair & horror at that Chav ridden hellhole in Uxbridge they call Brunel (Thank Fuck) looking forward to being a full time student again in rainy Yorkshire (slaver, whimper paw paw)! Some decaying rock dude (Bill Wynam) is hitting my village today to turn on the xmas lights, going to go and put him off by nayying at him loudly in a drunken stupor with Princess Lea Lea! Anyway in order to pay homage to Ben's Birthday & memory, I recently rescued his old dusty reverb unit from fog’s Den of inequity & lovingly cleaned her up inside & out; and as I promised Fotswana I have recorded a short song using the aforementioned, so happy Birthday Benjamin, give Nina a hug from me & this one is for you!



Fog said...


Fog said...

sounds good - nice and natural on the tablas

Jason said...

Nice bit of didge - can you do me a nice riff at 128bpm? I'd like to put it one of my tracks. I'll credit ya!

ElectricWombat said...

Definitely man, I'm looking forward to sampling some didgeridoo & using it in some music in the near future, its a truly amazing instrument! Will get some riffs together for ya @ 128 BPM & send you a link where you can download them! Can you use WAV audio or do you want MP3? Nice one!

Jason said...

WAV or AIFF only if you have enough space - but MP3 will be fine.