Monday, March 12, 2007

Secret Cavern getting a little less Secret...

My site The Secret Cavern is getting a bit more noticed these days - check out this nice feature from SFFaudio


ArcticFox said...

nice work Phileas.... I had been thinking recently of trying to convert "zippy the pinhead" to some sort of viewable format on the web.... mebbe you would want to collaborate? gimme a shout if you are remotely interested?


Fog said...

What sorta thing were you thinking of?

ArcticFox said...

how would I know???

I just wanted to share some zippy the pinhead with the world.... I can't really imagine it being a work of art, but it's just so "off the wall" that it might be funny to try to bring it to a wider audience somehow?


Fog said...

I don't know if you've seen this:

One thing we could do is if you have a particular story you would like to tackle. If you could read aloud the story. I could scan in the comic and make a movie out of it. That's do-able!