Wednesday, August 16, 2006

4-Tracks Revisited: Part 1

What was once several shoeboxes full of cassettes, there now lay a small bag of about twelve 4-Track master tapes on my kitchen table. I'm taking my time going through them and the whole laborious journey is revealing some things I don't even remember doing.

I have salvaged some damaged fruit from this process, given it a bit of a polish and can now present something lovely to you lucky chaos-muffins. It's a track from January 1991 entitled 'The Bridge of Principle'.

Based on an original composition written by myself with Stephen Clements (from The Deadly Toy Affair, Clock, The Pagans and Giblets and Cheese), this version has an over-dubbed vocal track on it - written and performed by Karl.

The conversion process has not been without its flaws. The track is too slow, which is the result of me having the pitch knob incorrectly turned up while recording the original back in the day! Also, I don't own a 4-track tape deck anymore so I had to sample the entire tape one side at a time then reverse one of them and sync it all up. As you can imagine, this has the very likely potential of going out of phase. Furthermore, there are a couple of occassions where the entire instrumental section drops out for a small number of seconds - don't ask why - any way, if you ever did hear this track back in 91, I hope this gives you a warm nostalgic feeling.

Listen to - The Bridge of Principle

...and watch this space for a long lost Gibs track I'm still cobbling together.


Karl Hodge said...

This is a pretty cool track, once you break through al the unnecessary reverb and hiss. Worth a remake.

Jason said...

Unnecessary hiss? It's not a feature!
I'm glad that analogue tape is dead.

A remake would be fairly easy - it's a simple enough track.

Fog said...

Great stuff - I've been longing for you to explore your treasure chest for some time now! How was the wedding? Sorry I didn't get to see you - I figured you probably had enough on your plate that weekend.

Jason said...

damn! I didn't get a chance to see the deleted comment! poo! - was it nasty? worthy of a beating? nevermind... Yes fog, the wedding was a nice time and a good break for me, tori and oliver. The speeches were funny.
My treasure chest will have to stay closed for the while because of time constraints - as you know, I don't post many messages on this blog as I'd like to... suffice to say that I can't tell you the name of the mystery Gibs track because I don't really know if it had a title. Let's just say, at the time it would not have been very funny, but now, it's mundanity is hilarious! I think its from the last session. These, conversions take time. Time I don't really have.

Fog said...

understood - still i'm looking forward to hearing it! I know you must be really busy, i'm lucky enough to have loads of time at the moment but no money -- oh well ;-)!