Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Picking Up Girls Made Easy!

If Only I had owned this records when I was a teenager, I would of been stud of the Colne Valley. Apart from the fact that there are no beaches...

Here's a useful lesson:

The Beach Pick-Up

If you want to be educated in the art of picking up women you can download the entire album here.


Karl Hodge said...

That's priceless.

Jason said...

There's only so long a bloke who takes this technique seriously can continue to keep up the façade.

Honesty is the best policy. Within reason ;-)

Fog said...

This kind of reminds me of that character in Magnolia played by Tom Cruise...

Karl Hodge said...

The funniest bit is that he doesn't pick her up at all. He just sits next to her with his thermos of weak lemon drink and a couple of jazz mags, and she picks *him* up...