Sunday, December 03, 2006

Colne Valley Chaos 6

The time has come for a new volume of Colne Valley Chaos - There's plenty of new material available to make a new comp, it should be interesting to get this material together and see how it compliments each other. So I'm putting out this message to all CVC heads to think about getting me some WAV files so I can start compiling. Meet me in the comments section of this post to discuss which tracks we should / could use.


Fog said...

We have loads of electronic stuff, I think the hardest bit will be getting more traditional music on there. We have some Donald Syndrome and some Jeff Lawson to go at.

Karl - I'd like to get some stuff from you, 2 I would like to feature would be Mind Control and LA Paradise. Let me know if you have any other ideas. It would be good to put some of the new ANLB up there.

Jase - Not sure yet what to put on but I really like Pagan Urbans as a starter - let me know what you think.

Does Atom have any new music?

Justin - any particular track you would like to go on - maybe a new one you could make with your new set up?

Cheers - Fog

Karl Hodge said...

I have several ANLB tracks you could use - I'll upload them to the FTP site. I also have a couple of "serious" solo tracks that haven't got a home anywhere else.

You're free to use the tracks you mentioned.

Of course, this should the first CVC compo to go straight to CD...

Jason said...

I'm liking 'Rotation' as a candidate. I've listened to 'Pagan Urbans' a few too many times and its beginning to sound like the ITV Nightscreen.

Fog said...

Cheers for the feedback guys - I look forward to hearing the tracks Karl -- Jase, sure Rotation it is!

ElectricWombat said...

Coolio, sounds awesome, yeh some new music sounds good, just started working on a new track which is an acoustic/digital hybrid so if this album isn't being released until the new year (after CVC xmas comp) then it will defo be redo in time, groooovy!

Jason said...

Maybe put on 'Pagan Urbans' and 'Rotation' ;-)

Fog said...

Yes if Space allows they are both cool tracks!

Fog said...

new folder added to webspace for CVC 6 tracks - Karl, could you upload some mp3s of your tunes that I haven't heard yet here and some ANLB stuff, when i've got an idea of what tracks to use i'll then request some WAVS. Cheers!

Karl Hodge said...

You've heard most of the tunes I'm planning to submit.


Ghost Daddy (a different, dirtier mix than the one on MySpace)
Shell Suit Family Robinson
Oblivion (heard on here)
Biscuits (same as mix MySpace)
Jekyll and Heidi (no one's heard that yet, AFAIK)
Me and Tom (Don't Get it On) (same mix as MySpace)
Mind Control (I'm classifying this as ANLB, because it's silly)


Wake Up
Trouble Town
LA Paradise

(I have others but want to keep them for my CD, when I finish compiling it).

There's also a bunch of studio recorded Octafish tracks:

War Pigs
Stepping Stone

Fog said...

well from that list LA Paradise and Mind Control are definates so please upload some WAVS of them to the CVC6 folder whenever you have time - not decided on the others yet can you upload some Octafish MP3s so I can have a listen? Cheers