cheers jase - that arkanoid sample was for u - plinky noises! The track was done pretty quickly so I may tighten it up a bit more later... ;-)
By the way, Jussy has just given me a huge technics keyboard which would be perfect for doing a couple of gibs tracks on - maybe see you at xmas for some gibs jabs!
Another Gem. I love the Arkanoid sample it was a pleasant surprise and fitted in a quirky way.
BTW - My fave tunes on Secret Journey at the moment are... Robot Monster - (Killer bassline is scrummy), and Secret Journey - (just lovely).
cheers jase - that arkanoid sample was for u - plinky noises! The track was done pretty quickly so I may tighten it up a bit more later... ;-)
By the way, Jussy has just given me a huge technics keyboard which would be perfect for doing a couple of gibs tracks on - maybe see you at xmas for some gibs jabs!
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